october 2024 update
The blog might look a little different right now. Not for too long, mind, but right now, we are rebasing the entire hydra project to its locally-hosted upstream, right here at https://hydra.styx.systems/diffusion/1/.
Sorry if you got flashbanged by the style change - light theme was the default fallback theme.
september update
(I think we're the first OS in twenty years to use one! I know Debian did, at least.)
Programs, not apps.
styx takes a pro-"Program", anti-"App" stance to its own software. We won't forbid "apps", that's silly, but we won't be making our stuff an "app" for sure.
But on the flip side - I want styx and its own software to be approachable to the common person - as if it were an "app", where possible, excluding fine technical tunings and things like that.
the styx project isn't dead!
... but cohost.org is soon going to be shut down.
For one thing, we are probably the first, and will be the last, Linux distro and/or operating system and/or utility software project to use cohost.
Open comments: On software freedom and styx.
I'm not making a hard decision yet on this front, but I do want to request comments to inform our decision-making process regarding the rules defining "software freedom" - associating only Free Software with the styx "systems" and "software" maintainership and repositories, where possible, and whether to prohibit "nonfree" software in styx and its core repositories; (1) to what scope, if so; and what impact that will have on the maintainability and usability of a styx system, moving forward.
styx is a consent-first operating system.
This is perhaps the most important point to cover, because it informs every step of every process we do to produce, promote and develop styx.
We don't force choices on the user to further our own goals, because not doing so is Goal One.
Everything else is secondary to this.
The consent and autonomy of an installing user over their system, SHALL NOT be infringed.
debut post!
hi. This is styx. (@sirocyl here!)
We just want you to be able to use the computer without fighting it. That's all.
styx will be a consent-first, usability-oriented operating system, with a Linux® kernel, and a distribution of self-contained application packages.
This blog, and some of the documentation outposts in hydra, will be a prime source of information for the styx projects.
We're moving information out of Discord as we develop hydra and the styx governance model more.
The styx Discord will transition to being a community space.
Until now, we'd been keeping track of ideas, notes and RFCs over here: https://discord.gg/2Ctxx7mkcy
the styx operating system ( styx.systems development group • styx.software maintainership • styx.community stewardship )
Maintained by the styx.systems development group, infrastructure task force ― powered by hydra
styx copyright 2020 sirocyl / ellie (kymkdd) / ncommander / styx contributors
Use of other names and brands is not intended to reflect a claim of, or right to, use the name or brand.
styx is an operating system using the Linux kernel and components, and "styx Linux" as a phrase does not reflect the inclusion of the Linux brand or trademark in the styx project.
Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.