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diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_blueprints.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_blueprints.diviner
index 46c8a27f5e..21c4342fa6 100644
--- a/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_blueprints.diviner
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_blueprints.diviner
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
@title Drydock Blueprints
@group userguide
Overview of Drydock blueprint types.
IMPORTANT: Drydock is not a mature application and may be difficult to
configure and use for now.
Drydock builds and manages various hardware and software resources, like
hosts and repository working copies. Other applications can use these resources
to perform useful work (like running tests or builds).
-For additional disussion of Drydock, see @{article:Drydock User Guide}.
+For additional discussion of Drydock, see @{article:Drydock User Guide}.
Drydock can't create any resources until you configure it. You'll configure
Drydock by creating **Blueprints**. Each blueprint tells Drydock how to build
a specific kind of resource, how many it is allowed to build, where it should
build them, who is authorized to request them, and so on.
You can create a new blueprint in Drydock from the web UI:
{nav Drydock > Blueprints > New Blueprint}
Each blueprint builds resources of a specific type, like hosts or repository
working copies. Detailed topic guides are available for each resource type:
**Hosts**: Hosts are the building block for most other resources. For details,
see @{article:Drydock Blueprints: Hosts}.
**Working Copies**: Working copies allow Drydock to perform repository
operations like running tests, performing builds, and handling merges.
Authorizing Access
Before objects in other applications can use a blueprint, the blueprint must
authorize them.
This mostly serves to prevent users with limited access from executing
operations on trusted hosts. For additional discussion, see
@{article:Drydock User Guide: Security}.
This also broadly prevents Drydock from surprising you by coming up with a
valid but unintended solution to an allocation problem which runs some
operation on resources that are techincally suitable but not desirable. For
example, you may not want your Android builds running on your iPhone build
tier, even if there's no technical reason they can't.
You can review active authorizations and pending authorization requests in
the "Active Authorizations" section of the blueprint detail screen.
To approve an authorization, click it and select {nav Approve Authorization}.
Until you do, the requesting object won't be able to access resources from
the blueprint.
You can also decline an authorization. This prevents use of resources and
removes it from the authorization approval queue.
Disabling Blueprints
You can disable a blueprint by selecting {nav Disable Blueprint} from the
blueprint detail screen.
Disabled blueprints will no longer be used for new allocations. However,
existing resources will continue to function.
Next Steps
Continue by:
- returning to the @{article:Drydock User Guide}.

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