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diff --git a/src/aphront/response/AphrontFileResponse.php b/src/aphront/response/AphrontFileResponse.php
index 4688e3bc8f..a8f673d218 100644
--- a/src/aphront/response/AphrontFileResponse.php
+++ b/src/aphront/response/AphrontFileResponse.php
@@ -1,121 +1,137 @@
final class AphrontFileResponse extends AphrontResponse {
private $content;
private $contentIterator;
private $contentLength;
+ private $compressResponse;
private $mimeType;
private $download;
private $rangeMin;
private $rangeMax;
private $allowOrigins = array();
public function addAllowOrigin($origin) {
$this->allowOrigins[] = $origin;
return $this;
public function setDownload($download) {
if (!strlen($download)) {
$download = 'untitled';
$this->download = $download;
return $this;
public function getDownload() {
return $this->download;
public function setMimeType($mime_type) {
$this->mimeType = $mime_type;
return $this;
public function getMimeType() {
return $this->mimeType;
public function setContent($content) {
$this->content = $content;
return $this;
public function setContentIterator($iterator) {
$this->contentIterator = $iterator;
return $this;
public function buildResponseString() {
return $this->content;
public function getContentIterator() {
if ($this->contentIterator) {
return $this->contentIterator;
return parent::getContentIterator();
public function setContentLength($length) {
$this->contentLength = $length;
return $this;
public function getContentLength() {
return $this->contentLength;
+ public function setCompressResponse($compress_response) {
+ $this->compressResponse = $compress_response;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getCompressResponse() {
+ return $this->compressResponse;
+ }
public function setRange($min, $max) {
$this->rangeMin = $min;
$this->rangeMax = $max;
return $this;
public function getHeaders() {
$headers = array(
array('Content-Type', $this->getMimeType()),
// This tells clients that we can support requests with a "Range" header,
// which allows downloads to be resumed, in some browsers, some of the
// time, if the stars align.
array('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes'),
if ($this->rangeMin || $this->rangeMax) {
$len = $this->getContentLength();
$min = $this->rangeMin;
$max = $this->rangeMax;
$headers[] = array('Content-Range', "bytes {$min}-{$max}/{$len}");
$content_len = ($max - $min) + 1;
} else {
$content_len = $this->getContentLength();
- $headers[] = array('Content-Length', $this->getContentLength());
+ if (!$this->shouldCompressResponse()) {
+ $headers[] = array('Content-Length', $this->getContentLength());
+ }
if (strlen($this->getDownload())) {
$headers[] = array('X-Download-Options', 'noopen');
$filename = $this->getDownload();
$filename = addcslashes($filename, '"\\');
$headers[] = array(
'attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"',
if ($this->allowOrigins) {
$headers[] = array(
implode(',', $this->allowOrigins),
$headers = array_merge(parent::getHeaders(), $headers);
return $headers;
+ protected function shouldCompressResponse() {
+ return $this->getCompressResponse();
+ }
diff --git a/src/aphront/response/AphrontResponse.php b/src/aphront/response/AphrontResponse.php
index b213244f1c..6c52e417e3 100644
--- a/src/aphront/response/AphrontResponse.php
+++ b/src/aphront/response/AphrontResponse.php
@@ -1,249 +1,264 @@
abstract class AphrontResponse extends Phobject {
private $request;
private $cacheable = false;
private $canCDN;
private $responseCode = 200;
private $lastModified = null;
protected $frameable;
public function setRequest($request) {
$this->request = $request;
return $this;
public function getRequest() {
return $this->request;
/* -( Content )------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function getContentIterator() {
return array($this->buildResponseString());
public function buildResponseString() {
throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException();
/* -( Metadata )----------------------------------------------------------- */
public function getHeaders() {
$headers = array();
if (!$this->frameable) {
$headers[] = array('X-Frame-Options', 'Deny');
if ($this->getRequest() && $this->getRequest()->isHTTPS()) {
$hsts_key = 'security.strict-transport-security';
$use_hsts = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($hsts_key);
if ($use_hsts) {
$duration = phutil_units('365 days in seconds');
} else {
// If HSTS has been disabled, tell browsers to turn it off. This may
// not be effective because we can only disable it over a valid HTTPS
// connection, but it best represents the configured intent.
$duration = 0;
$headers[] = array(
"max-age={$duration}; includeSubdomains; preload",
return $headers;
public function setCacheDurationInSeconds($duration) {
$this->cacheable = $duration;
return $this;
public function setCanCDN($can_cdn) {
$this->canCDN = $can_cdn;
return $this;
public function setLastModified($epoch_timestamp) {
$this->lastModified = $epoch_timestamp;
return $this;
public function setHTTPResponseCode($code) {
$this->responseCode = $code;
return $this;
public function getHTTPResponseCode() {
return $this->responseCode;
public function getHTTPResponseMessage() {
switch ($this->getHTTPResponseCode()) {
case 100: return 'Continue';
case 101: return 'Switching Protocols';
case 200: return 'OK';
case 201: return 'Created';
case 202: return 'Accepted';
case 203: return 'Non-Authoritative Information';
case 204: return 'No Content';
case 205: return 'Reset Content';
case 206: return 'Partial Content';
case 300: return 'Multiple Choices';
case 301: return 'Moved Permanently';
case 302: return 'Found';
case 303: return 'See Other';
case 304: return 'Not Modified';
case 305: return 'Use Proxy';
case 306: return 'Switch Proxy';
case 307: return 'Temporary Redirect';
case 400: return 'Bad Request';
case 401: return 'Unauthorized';
case 402: return 'Payment Required';
case 403: return 'Forbidden';
case 404: return 'Not Found';
case 405: return 'Method Not Allowed';
case 406: return 'Not Acceptable';
case 407: return 'Proxy Authentication Required';
case 408: return 'Request Timeout';
case 409: return 'Conflict';
case 410: return 'Gone';
case 411: return 'Length Required';
case 412: return 'Precondition Failed';
case 413: return 'Request Entity Too Large';
case 414: return 'Request-URI Too Long';
case 415: return 'Unsupported Media Type';
case 416: return 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable';
case 417: return 'Expectation Failed';
case 418: return "I'm a teapot";
case 426: return 'Upgrade Required';
case 500: return 'Internal Server Error';
case 501: return 'Not Implemented';
case 502: return 'Bad Gateway';
case 503: return 'Service Unavailable';
case 504: return 'Gateway Timeout';
case 505: return 'HTTP Version Not Supported';
default: return '';
public function setFrameable($frameable) {
$this->frameable = $frameable;
return $this;
public static function processValueForJSONEncoding(&$value, $key) {
if ($value instanceof PhutilSafeHTMLProducerInterface) {
// This renders the producer down to PhutilSafeHTML, which will then
// be simplified into a string below.
$value = hsprintf('%s', $value);
if ($value instanceof PhutilSafeHTML) {
// TODO: Javelin supports implicity conversion of '__html' objects to
// JX.HTML, but only for Ajax responses, not behaviors. Just leave things
// as they are for now (where behaviors treat responses as HTML or plain
// text at their discretion).
$value = $value->getHTMLContent();
public static function encodeJSONForHTTPResponse(array $object) {
array(__CLASS__, 'processValueForJSONEncoding'));
$response = phutil_json_encode($object);
// Prevent content sniffing attacks by encoding "<" and ">", so browsers
// won't try to execute the document as HTML even if they ignore
// Content-Type and X-Content-Type-Options. See T865.
$response = str_replace(
array('<', '>'),
array('\u003c', '\u003e'),
return $response;
protected function addJSONShield($json_response) {
// Add a shield to prevent "JSON Hijacking" attacks where an attacker
// requests a JSON response using a normal <script /> tag and then uses
// Object.prototype.__defineSetter__() or similar to read response data.
// This header causes the browser to loop infinitely instead of handing over
// sensitive data.
$shield = 'for (;;);';
$response = $shield.$json_response;
return $response;
public function getCacheHeaders() {
$headers = array();
if ($this->cacheable) {
$cache_control = array();
$cache_control[] = sprintf('max-age=%d', $this->cacheable);
if ($this->canCDN) {
$cache_control[] = 'public';
} else {
$cache_control[] = 'private';
$headers[] = array(
implode(', ', $cache_control),
$headers[] = array(
$this->formatEpochTimestampForHTTPHeader(time() + $this->cacheable),
} else {
$headers[] = array(
$headers[] = array(
'Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT',
if ($this->lastModified) {
$headers[] = array(
// IE has a feature where it may override an explicit Content-Type
// declaration by inferring a content type. This can be a security risk
// and we always explicitly transmit the correct Content-Type header, so
// prevent IE from using inferred content types. This only offers protection
// on recent versions of IE; IE6/7 and Opera currently ignore this header.
$headers[] = array('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff');
return $headers;
private function formatEpochTimestampForHTTPHeader($epoch_timestamp) {
return gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $epoch_timestamp).' GMT';
+ protected function shouldCompressResponse() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function willBeginWrite() {
+ if ($this->shouldCompressResponse()) {
+ // Enable automatic compression here. Webservers sometimes do this for
+ // us, but we now detect the absence of compression and warn users about
+ // it so try to cover our bases more thoroughly.
+ ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 1);
+ } else {
+ ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
+ }
+ }
public function didCompleteWrite($aborted) {
diff --git a/src/aphront/sink/AphrontHTTPSink.php b/src/aphront/sink/AphrontHTTPSink.php
index 4a729da16e..11c6466cf1 100644
--- a/src/aphront/sink/AphrontHTTPSink.php
+++ b/src/aphront/sink/AphrontHTTPSink.php
@@ -1,134 +1,136 @@
* Abstract class which wraps some sort of output mechanism for HTTP responses.
* Normally this is just @{class:AphrontPHPHTTPSink}, which uses "echo" and
* "header()" to emit responses.
* Mostly, this class allows us to do install security or metrics hooks in the
* output pipeline.
* @task write Writing Response Components
* @task emit Emitting the Response
abstract class AphrontHTTPSink extends Phobject {
/* -( Writing Response Components )---------------------------------------- */
* Write an HTTP status code to the output.
* @param int Numeric HTTP status code.
* @return void
final public function writeHTTPStatus($code, $message = '') {
if (!preg_match('/^\d{3}$/', $code)) {
throw new Exception(pht("Malformed HTTP status code '%s'!", $code));
$code = (int)$code;
$this->emitHTTPStatus($code, $message);
* Write HTTP headers to the output.
* @param list<pair> List of <name, value> pairs.
* @return void
final public function writeHeaders(array $headers) {
foreach ($headers as $header) {
if (!is_array($header) || count($header) !== 2) {
throw new Exception(pht('Malformed header.'));
list($name, $value) = $header;
if (strpos($name, ':') !== false) {
throw new Exception(
'Declining to emit response with malformed HTTP header name: %s',
// Attackers may perform an "HTTP response splitting" attack by making
// the application emit certain types of headers containing newlines:
// PHP has built-in protections against HTTP response-splitting, but they
// are of dubious trustworthiness:
if (preg_match('/[\r\n\0]/', $name.$value)) {
throw new Exception(
'Declining to emit response with unsafe HTTP header: %s',
"<'".$name."', '".$value."'>."));
foreach ($headers as $header) {
list($name, $value) = $header;
$this->emitHeader($name, $value);
* Write HTTP body data to the output.
* @param string Body data.
* @return void
final public function writeData($data) {
* Write an entire @{class:AphrontResponse} to the output.
* @param AphrontResponse The response object to write.
* @return void
final public function writeResponse(AphrontResponse $response) {
+ $response->willBeginWrite();
// Build the content iterator first, in case it throws. Ideally, we'd
// prefer to handle exceptions before we emit the response status or any
// HTTP headers.
$data = $response->getContentIterator();
$all_headers = array_merge(
$abort = false;
foreach ($data as $block) {
if (!$this->isWritable()) {
$abort = true;
/* -( Emitting the Response )---------------------------------------------- */
abstract protected function emitHTTPStatus($code, $message = '');
abstract protected function emitHeader($name, $value);
abstract protected function emitData($data);
abstract protected function isWritable();
diff --git a/src/applications/celerity/controller/CelerityResourceController.php b/src/applications/celerity/controller/CelerityResourceController.php
index 95d674c641..0f1478ec5c 100644
--- a/src/applications/celerity/controller/CelerityResourceController.php
+++ b/src/applications/celerity/controller/CelerityResourceController.php
@@ -1,185 +1,186 @@
abstract class CelerityResourceController extends PhabricatorController {
protected function buildResourceTransformer() {
return null;
public function shouldRequireLogin() {
return false;
public function shouldRequireEnabledUser() {
return false;
public function shouldAllowPartialSessions() {
return true;
public function shouldAllowLegallyNonCompliantUsers() {
return true;
abstract public function getCelerityResourceMap();
protected function serveResource(array $spec) {
$path = $spec['path'];
$hash = idx($spec, 'hash');
// Sanity checking to keep this from exposing anything sensitive, since it
// ultimately boils down to disk reads.
if (preg_match('@(//|\.\.)@', $path)) {
return new Aphront400Response();
$type = CelerityResourceTransformer::getResourceType($path);
$type_map = self::getSupportedResourceTypes();
if (empty($type_map[$type])) {
throw new Exception(pht('Only static resources may be served.'));
$dev_mode = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.developer-mode');
$map = $this->getCelerityResourceMap();
$expect_hash = $map->getHashForName($path);
// Test if the URI hash is correct for our current resource map. If it
// is not, refuse to cache this resource. This avoids poisoning caches
// and CDNs if we're getting a request for a new resource to an old node
// shortly after a push.
$is_cacheable = ($hash === $expect_hash);
$is_locally_cacheable = $this->isLocallyCacheableResourceType($type);
if (AphrontRequest::getHTTPHeader('If-Modified-Since') && $is_cacheable) {
// Return a "304 Not Modified". We don't care about the value of this
// field since we never change what resource is served by a given URI.
return $this->makeResponseCacheable(new Aphront304Response());
$cache = null;
$data = null;
if ($is_cacheable && $is_locally_cacheable && !$dev_mode) {
$cache = PhabricatorCaches::getImmutableCache();
$request_path = $this->getRequest()->getPath();
$cache_key = $this->getCacheKey($request_path);
$data = $cache->getKey($cache_key);
if ($data === null) {
if ($map->isPackageResource($path)) {
$resource_names = $map->getResourceNamesForPackageName($path);
if (!$resource_names) {
return new Aphront404Response();
try {
$data = array();
foreach ($resource_names as $resource_name) {
$data[] = $map->getResourceDataForName($resource_name);
$data = implode("\n\n", $data);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return new Aphront404Response();
} else {
try {
$data = $map->getResourceDataForName($path);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return new Aphront404Response();
$xformer = $this->buildResourceTransformer();
if ($xformer) {
$data = $xformer->transformResource($path, $data);
if ($cache) {
$cache->setKey($cache_key, $data);
- $response = new AphrontFileResponse();
- $response->setContent($data);
- $response->setMimeType($type_map[$type]);
+ $response = id(new AphrontFileResponse())
+ ->setContent($data)
+ ->setMimeType($type_map[$type])
+ ->setCompressResponse(true);
// NOTE: This is a piece of magic required to make WOFF fonts work in
// Firefox and IE. Possibly we should generalize this more.
$cross_origin_types = array(
'woff' => true,
'woff2' => true,
'eot' => true,
if (isset($cross_origin_types[$type])) {
// We could be more tailored here, but it's not currently trivial to
// generate a comprehensive list of valid origins (an install may have
// arbitrarily many Phame blogs, for example), and we lose nothing by
// allowing access from anywhere.
if ($is_cacheable) {
$response = $this->makeResponseCacheable($response);
return $response;
public static function getSupportedResourceTypes() {
return array(
'css' => 'text/css; charset=utf-8',
'js' => 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8',
'png' => 'image/png',
'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
'woff' => 'font/woff',
'woff2' => 'font/woff2',
'eot' => 'font/eot',
'ttf' => 'font/ttf',
'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg',
'ico' => 'image/x-icon',
private function makeResponseCacheable(AphrontResponse $response) {
$response->setCacheDurationInSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
return $response;
* Is it appropriate to cache the data for this resource type in the fast
* immutable cache?
* Generally, text resources (which are small, and expensive to process)
* are cached, while other types of resources (which are large, and cheap
* to process) are not.
* @param string Resource type.
* @return bool True to enable caching.
private function isLocallyCacheableResourceType($type) {
$types = array(
'js' => true,
'css' => true,
return isset($types[$type]);
protected function getCacheKey($path) {
return 'celerity:'.PhabricatorHash::digestToLength($path, 64);
diff --git a/support/PhabricatorStartup.php b/support/PhabricatorStartup.php
index 26c6b26a9c..0a27a616e3 100644
--- a/support/PhabricatorStartup.php
+++ b/support/PhabricatorStartup.php
@@ -1,947 +1,942 @@
* Handle request startup, before loading the environment or libraries. This
* class bootstraps the request state up to the point where we can enter
* Phabricator code.
* NOTE: This class MUST NOT have any dependencies. It runs before libraries
* load.
* Rate Limiting
* =============
* Phabricator limits the rate at which clients can request pages, and issues
* HTTP 429 "Too Many Requests" responses if clients request too many pages too
* quickly. Although this is not a complete defense against high-volume attacks,
* it can protect an install against aggressive crawlers, security scanners,
* and some types of malicious activity.
* To perform rate limiting, each page increments a score counter for the
* requesting user's IP. The page can give the IP more points for an expensive
* request, or fewer for an authetnicated request.
* Score counters are kept in buckets, and writes move to a new bucket every
* minute. After a few minutes (defined by @{method:getRateLimitBucketCount}),
* the oldest bucket is discarded. This provides a simple mechanism for keeping
* track of scores without needing to store, access, or read very much data.
* Users are allowed to accumulate up to 1000 points per minute, averaged across
* all of the tracked buckets.
* @task info Accessing Request Information
* @task hook Startup Hooks
* @task apocalypse In Case Of Apocalypse
* @task validation Validation
* @task ratelimit Rate Limiting
* @task phases Startup Phase Timers
final class PhabricatorStartup {
private static $startTime;
private static $debugTimeLimit;
private static $accessLog;
private static $capturingOutput;
private static $rawInput;
private static $oldMemoryLimit;
private static $phases;
// TODO: For now, disable rate limiting entirely by default. We need to
// iterate on it a bit for Conduit, some of the specific score levels, and
// to deal with NAT'd offices.
private static $maximumRate = 0;
/* -( Accessing Request Information )-------------------------------------- */
* @task info
public static function getStartTime() {
return self::$startTime;
* @task info
public static function getMicrosecondsSinceStart() {
return (int)(1000000 * (microtime(true) - self::getStartTime()));
* @task info
public static function setAccessLog($access_log) {
self::$accessLog = $access_log;
* @task info
public static function getRawInput() {
if (self::$rawInput === null) {
$stream = new AphrontRequestStream();
$encoding = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING']);
$input = '';
do {
$bytes = $stream->readData();
if ($bytes === null) {
$input .= $bytes;
} while (true);
self::$rawInput = $input;
return self::$rawInput;
/* -( Startup Hooks )------------------------------------------------------ */
* @param float Request start time, from `microtime(true)`.
* @task hook
public static function didStartup($start_time) {
self::$startTime = $start_time;
self::$phases = array();
self::$accessLog = null;
static $registered;
if (!$registered) {
// NOTE: This protects us against multiple calls to didStartup() in the
// same request, but also against repeated requests to the same
// interpreter state, which we may implement in the future.
register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'didShutdown'));
$registered = true;
// If we've made it this far, the environment isn't completely broken so
// we can switch over to relying on our own exception recovery mechanisms.
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
* @task hook
public static function didShutdown() {
$event = error_get_last();
if (!$event) {
switch ($event['type']) {
case E_ERROR:
case E_PARSE:
$msg = ">>> UNRECOVERABLE FATAL ERROR <<<\n\n";
if ($event) {
// Even though we should be emitting this as text-plain, escape things
// just to be sure since we can't really be sure what the program state
// is when we get here.
$msg .= htmlspecialchars(
// flip dem tables
$msg .= "\n\n\n";
$msg .= "\xe2\x94\xbb\xe2\x94\x81\xe2\x94\xbb\x20\xef\xb8\xb5\x20\xc2\xaf".
public static function loadCoreLibraries() {
$phabricator_root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
$libraries_root = dirname($phabricator_root);
$root = null;
if (!empty($_SERVER['PHUTIL_LIBRARY_ROOT'])) {
@include_once $root.'libphutil/src/__phutil_library_init__.php';
if (!@constant('__LIBPHUTIL__')) {
"Unable to load libphutil. Put libphutil/ next to phabricator/, or ".
"update your PHP 'include_path' to include the parent directory of ".
// Load Phabricator itself using the absolute path, so we never end up doing
// anything surprising (loading index.php and libraries from different
// directories).
/* -( Output Capture )----------------------------------------------------- */
public static function beginOutputCapture() {
if (self::$capturingOutput) {
self::didFatal('Already capturing output!');
self::$capturingOutput = true;
public static function endOutputCapture() {
if (!self::$capturingOutput) {
return null;
self::$capturingOutput = false;
return ob_get_clean();
/* -( Debug Time Limit )--------------------------------------------------- */
* Set a time limit (in seconds) for the current script. After time expires,
* the script fatals.
* This works like `max_execution_time`, but prints out a useful stack trace
* when the time limit expires. This is primarily intended to make it easier
* to debug pages which hang by allowing extraction of a stack trace: set a
* short debug limit, then use the trace to figure out what's happening.
* The limit is implemented with a tick function, so enabling it implies
* some accounting overhead.
* @param int Time limit in seconds.
* @return void
public static function setDebugTimeLimit($limit) {
self::$debugTimeLimit = $limit;
static $initialized;
if (!$initialized) {
register_tick_function(array(__CLASS__, 'onDebugTick'));
* Callback tick function used by @{method:setDebugTimeLimit}.
* Fatals with a useful stack trace after the time limit expires.
* @return void
public static function onDebugTick() {
$limit = self::$debugTimeLimit;
if (!$limit) {
$elapsed = (microtime(true) - self::getStartTime());
if ($elapsed > $limit) {
$frames = array();
foreach (debug_backtrace() as $frame) {
$file = isset($frame['file']) ? $frame['file'] : '-';
$file = basename($file);
$line = isset($frame['line']) ? $frame['line'] : '-';
$class = isset($frame['class']) ? $frame['class'].'->' : null;
$func = isset($frame['function']) ? $frame['function'].'()' : '?';
$frames[] = "{$file}:{$line} {$class}{$func}";
"Request aborted by debug time limit after {$limit} seconds.\n\n".
implode("\n", $frames));
/* -( In Case of Apocalypse )---------------------------------------------- */
* Fatal the request completely in response to an exception, sending a plain
* text message to the client. Calls @{method:didFatal} internally.
* @param string Brief description of the exception context, like
* `"Rendering Exception"`.
* @param Exception The exception itself.
* @param bool True if it's okay to show the exception's stack trace
* to the user. The trace will always be logged.
* @return exit This method **does not return**.
* @task apocalypse
public static function didEncounterFatalException(
Exception $ex,
$show_trace) {
$message = '['.$note.'/'.get_class($ex).'] '.$ex->getMessage();
$full_message = $message;
$full_message .= "\n\n";
$full_message .= $ex->getTraceAsString();
if ($show_trace) {
$message = $full_message;
self::didFatal($message, $full_message);
* Fatal the request completely, sending a plain text message to the client.
* @param string Plain text message to send to the client.
* @param string Plain text message to send to the error log. If not
* provided, the client message is used. You can pass a more
* detailed message here (e.g., with stack traces) to avoid
* showing it to users.
* @return exit This method **does not return**.
* @task apocalypse
public static function didFatal($message, $log_message = null) {
if ($log_message === null) {
$log_message = $message;
$access_log = self::$accessLog;
if ($access_log) {
// We may end up here before the access log is initialized, e.g. from
// verifyPHP().
'c' => 500,
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8',
$replace = true,
$http_error = 500);
echo $message."\n";
/* -( Validation )--------------------------------------------------------- */
* @task validation
private static function setupPHP() {
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
self::$oldMemoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit');
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
// If we have libxml, disable the incredibly dangerous entity loader.
if (function_exists('libxml_disable_entity_loader')) {
- // Enable automatic compression here. Webservers sometimes do this for
- // us, but we now detect the absence of compression and warn users about
- // it so try to cover our bases more thoroughly.
- ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 1);
* @task validation
public static function getOldMemoryLimit() {
return self::$oldMemoryLimit;
* @task validation
private static function normalizeInput() {
// Replace superglobals with unfiltered versions, disrespect php.ini (we
// filter ourselves).
// NOTE: We don't filter INPUT_SERVER because we don't want to overwrite
// changes made in "preamble.php".
$filter = array(
foreach ($filter as $type) {
$filtered = filter_input_array($type, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW);
if (!is_array($filtered)) {
switch ($type) {
$_GET = array_merge($_GET, $filtered);
$_COOKIE = array_merge($_COOKIE, $filtered);
$_POST = array_merge($_POST, $filtered);
$env = array_merge($_ENV, $filtered);
$_ENV = self::filterEnvSuperglobal($env);
// rebuild $_REQUEST, respecting order declared in ini files
$order = ini_get('request_order');
if (!$order) {
$order = ini_get('variables_order');
if (!$order) {
// $_REQUEST will be empty, leave it alone
$_REQUEST = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($order); $i++) {
switch ($order[$i]) {
case 'G':
$_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_GET);
case 'P':
$_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_POST);
case 'C':
$_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_COOKIE);
// $_ENV and $_SERVER never go into $_REQUEST
* Adjust `$_ENV` before execution.
* Adjustments here primarily impact the environment as seen by subprocesses.
* The environment is forwarded explicitly by @{class:ExecFuture}.
* @param map<string, wild> Input `$_ENV`.
* @return map<string, string> Suitable `$_ENV`.
* @task validation
private static function filterEnvSuperglobal(array $env) {
// In some configurations, we may get "argc" and "argv" set in $_ENV.
// These are not real environmental variables, and "argv" may have an array
// value which can not be forwarded to subprocesses. Remove these from the
// environment if they are present.
return $env;
* @task validation
private static function verifyPHP() {
$required_version = '5.2.3';
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $required_version) < 0) {
"You are running PHP version '".PHP_VERSION."', which is older than ".
"the minimum version, '{$required_version}'. Update to at least ".
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
"Your server is configured with PHP 'magic_quotes_gpc' enabled. This ".
"feature is 'highly discouraged' by PHP's developers and you must ".
"disable it to run Phabricator. Consult the PHP manual for ".
if (extension_loaded('apc')) {
$apc_version = phpversion('apc');
$known_bad = array(
'3.1.14' => true,
'3.1.15' => true,
'3.1.15-dev' => true,
if (isset($known_bad[$apc_version])) {
"You have APC {$apc_version} installed. This version of APC is ".
"known to be bad, and does not work with Phabricator (it will ".
"cause Phabricator to fatal unrecoverably with nonsense errors). ".
"Downgrade to version 3.1.13.");
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROXY'])) {
'This HTTP request included a "Proxy:" header, poisoning the '.
'environment (CVE-2016-5385 / httpoxy). Declining to process this '.
'request. For details, see:');
* @task validation
private static function verifyRewriteRules() {
if (isset($_REQUEST['__path__']) && strlen($_REQUEST['__path__'])) {
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli-server') {
// Compatibility with PHP 5.4+ built-in web server.
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$_REQUEST['__path__'] = $url['path'];
if (!isset($_REQUEST['__path__'])) {
"Request parameter '__path__' is not set. Your rewrite rules ".
"are not configured correctly.");
if (!strlen($_REQUEST['__path__'])) {
"Request parameter '__path__' is set, but empty. Your rewrite rules ".
"are not configured correctly. The '__path__' should always ".
"begin with a '/'.");
* Detect if this request has had its POST data stripped by exceeding the
* 'post_max_size' PHP configuration limit.
* PHP has a setting called 'post_max_size'. If a POST request arrives with
* a body larger than the limit, PHP doesn't generate $_POST but processes
* the request anyway, and provides no formal way to detect that this
* happened.
* We can still read the entire body out of `php://input`. However according
* to the documentation the stream isn't available for "multipart/form-data"
* (on nginx + php-fpm it appears that it is available, though, at least) so
* any attempt to generate $_POST would be fragile.
* @task validation
private static function detectPostMaxSizeTriggered() {
// If this wasn't a POST, we're fine.
// If there's POST data, clearly we're in good shape.
if ($_POST) {
// For HTML5 drag-and-drop file uploads, Safari submits the data as
// "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". For most files this generates
// something in POST because most files decode to some nonempty (albeit
// meaningless) value. However, some files (particularly small images)
// don't decode to anything. If we know this is a drag-and-drop upload,
// we can skip this check.
if (isset($_REQUEST['__upload__'])) {
// PHP generates $_POST only for two content types. This routing happens
// in `main/php_content_types.c` in PHP. Normally, all forms use one of
// these content types, but some requests may not -- for example, Firefox
// submits files sent over HTML5 XMLHTTPRequest APIs with the Content-Type
// of the file itself. If we don't have a recognized content type, we
// don't need $_POST.
// NOTE: We use strncmp() because the actual content type may be something
// like "multipart/form-data; boundary=...".
// NOTE: Chrome sometimes omits this header, see some discussion in T1762
// and
$content_type = isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])
: '';
$parsed_types = array(
$is_parsed_type = false;
foreach ($parsed_types as $parsed_type) {
if (strncmp($content_type, $parsed_type, strlen($parsed_type)) === 0) {
$is_parsed_type = true;
if (!$is_parsed_type) {
// Check for 'Content-Length'. If there's no data, we don't expect $_POST
// to exist.
$length = (int)$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'];
if (!$length) {
// Time to fatal: we know this was a POST with data that should have been
// populated into $_POST, but it wasn't.
$config = ini_get('post_max_size');
"As received by the server, this request had a nonzero content length ".
"but no POST data.\n\n".
"Normally, this indicates that it exceeds the 'post_max_size' setting ".
"in the PHP configuration on the server. Increase the 'post_max_size' ".
"setting or reduce the size of the request.\n\n".
"Request size according to 'Content-Length' was '{$length}', ".
"'post_max_size' is set to '{$config}'.");
/* -( Rate Limiting )------------------------------------------------------ */
* Adjust the permissible rate limit score.
* By default, the limit is `1000`. You can use this method to set it to
* a larger or smaller value. If you set it to `2000`, users may make twice
* as many requests before rate limiting.
* @param int Maximum score before rate limiting.
* @return void
* @task ratelimit
public static function setMaximumRate($rate) {
self::$maximumRate = $rate;
* Check if the user (identified by `$user_identity`) has issued too many
* requests recently. If they have, end the request with a 429 error code.
* The key just needs to identify the user. Phabricator uses both user PHIDs
* and user IPs as keys, tracking logged-in and logged-out users separately
* and enforcing different limits.
* @param string Some key which identifies the user making the request.
* @return void If the user has exceeded the rate limit, this method
* does not return.
* @task ratelimit
public static function rateLimitRequest($user_identity) {
if (!self::canRateLimit()) {
$score = self::getRateLimitScore($user_identity);
if ($score > (self::$maximumRate * self::getRateLimitBucketCount())) {
// Give the user some bonus points for getting rate limited. This keeps
// bad actors who keep slamming the 429 page locked out completely,
// instead of letting them get a burst of requests through every minute
// after a bucket expires.
self::addRateLimitScore($user_identity, 50);
* Add points to the rate limit score for some user.
* If users have earned more than 1000 points per minute across all the
* buckets they'll be locked out of the application, so awarding 1 point per
* request roughly corresponds to allowing 1000 requests per second, while
* awarding 50 points roughly corresponds to allowing 20 requests per second.
* @param string Some key which identifies the user making the request.
* @param float The cost for this request; more points pushes them toward
* the limit faster.
* @return void
* @task ratelimit
public static function addRateLimitScore($user_identity, $score) {
if (!self::canRateLimit()) {
$current = self::getRateLimitBucket();
// There's a bit of a race here, if a second process reads the bucket before
// this one writes it, but it's fine if we occasionally fail to record a
// user's score. If they're making requests fast enough to hit rate
// limiting, we'll get them soon.
$bucket_key = self::getRateLimitBucketKey($current);
$bucket = apc_fetch($bucket_key);
if (!is_array($bucket)) {
$bucket = array();
if (empty($bucket[$user_identity])) {
$bucket[$user_identity] = 0;
$bucket[$user_identity] += $score;
apc_store($bucket_key, $bucket);
* Determine if rate limiting is available.
* Rate limiting depends on APC, and isn't available unless the APC user
* cache is available.
* @return bool True if rate limiting is available.
* @task ratelimit
private static function canRateLimit() {
if (!self::$maximumRate) {
return false;
if (!function_exists('apc_fetch')) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the current bucket for storing rate limit scores.
* @return int The current bucket.
* @task ratelimit
private static function getRateLimitBucket() {
return (int)(time() / 60);
* Get the total number of rate limit buckets to retain.
* @return int Total number of rate limit buckets to retain.
* @task ratelimit
private static function getRateLimitBucketCount() {
return 5;
* Get the APC key for a given bucket.
* @param int Bucket to get the key for.
* @return string APC key for the bucket.
* @task ratelimit
private static function getRateLimitBucketKey($bucket) {
return 'rate:bucket:'.$bucket;
* Get the APC key for the smallest stored bucket.
* @return string APC key for the smallest stored bucket.
* @task ratelimit
private static function getRateLimitMinKey() {
return 'rate:min';
* Get the current rate limit score for a given user.
* @param string Unique key identifying the user.
* @return float The user's current score.
* @task ratelimit
private static function getRateLimitScore($user_identity) {
$min_key = self::getRateLimitMinKey();
// Identify the oldest bucket stored in APC.
$cur = self::getRateLimitBucket();
$min = apc_fetch($min_key);
// If we don't have any buckets stored yet, store the current bucket as
// the oldest bucket.
if (!$min) {
apc_store($min_key, $cur);
$min = $cur;
// Destroy any buckets that are older than the minimum bucket we're keeping
// track of. Under load this normally shouldn't do anything, but will clean
// up an old bucket once per minute.
$count = self::getRateLimitBucketCount();
for ($cursor = $min; $cursor < ($cur - $count); $cursor++) {
apc_store($min_key, $cursor + 1);
// Now, sum up the user's scores in all of the active buckets.
$score = 0;
for (; $cursor <= $cur; $cursor++) {
$bucket = apc_fetch(self::getRateLimitBucketKey($cursor));
if (isset($bucket[$user_identity])) {
$score += $bucket[$user_identity];
return $score;
* Emit an HTTP 429 "Too Many Requests" response (indicating that the user
* has exceeded application rate limits) and exit.
* @return exit This method **does not return**.
* @task ratelimit
private static function didRateLimit() {
$message =
"You are issuing too many requests too quickly.\n".
"To adjust limits, see \"Configuring a Preamble Script\" in the ".
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8',
$replace = true,
$http_error = 429);
echo $message;
/* -( Startup Timers )----------------------------------------------------- */
* Record the beginning of a new startup phase.
* For phases which occur before @{class:PhabricatorStartup} loads, save the
* time and record it with @{method:recordStartupPhase} after the class is
* available.
* @param string Phase name.
* @task phases
public static function beginStartupPhase($phase) {
self::recordStartupPhase($phase, microtime(true));
* Record the start time of a previously executed startup phase.
* For startup phases which occur after @{class:PhabricatorStartup} loads,
* use @{method:beginStartupPhase} instead. This method can be used to
* record a time before the class loads, then hand it over once the class
* becomes available.
* @param string Phase name.
* @param float Phase start time, from `microtime(true)`.
* @task phases
public static function recordStartupPhase($phase, $time) {
self::$phases[$phase] = $time;
* Get information about startup phase timings.
* Sometimes, performance problems can occur before we start the profiler.
* Since the profiler can't examine these phases, it isn't useful in
* understanding their performance costs.
* Instead, the startup process marks when it enters various phases using
* @{method:beginStartupPhase}. A later call to this method can retrieve this
* information, which can be examined to gain greater insight into where
* time was spent. The output is still crude, but better than nothing.
* @task phases
public static function getPhases() {
return self::$phases;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 16, 3:30 AM (1 d, 7 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(50 KB)

Event Timeline